Author: Oliver Scharfenberg


Online store seal of approval: more customer confidence, more sales!

Online store seal of approval: more customer confidence, more sales! Ordering goods online always involves a risk – at least that’s how many consumers feel. The buyer cannot inspect the product himself, but must blindly trust that the retailer will provide correct information and not cheat him. In addition, the customer has to disclose his…
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Homeday awardes for “Top Service”

Homeday awarded for “Top Service” The real estate agent Homeday GmbH, which operates nationwide, has been awarded the seal of quality by the DIQP with the name “Top Service (DIQP)” and the rating “very good”. The basis for the DIQP seal of approval was an independent customer survey and a management interview. After the subsequent…
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Econos Invest hat TOP SERVICE

Econos Invest GmbH was successfully awarded

Econos Invest GmbH was successfully awarded Econos Invest GmbH has received the award “Top Service (DIQP)” from DIQP Deutsches Institut für Qualitätsstandards und -prüfung e.V. with the rating very good. The basis for the award was an independent customer survey. As part of the survey, Econos’ customers had the opportunity to evaluate the company in…
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Attraktiver Arbeitgeber

Elektro Bestian GmbH awarded as attractive employer

Elektro Bestian GmbH awarded as attractive employer 2022 The company Elektro Bestian GmbH from Hildesheim was awarded the employer seal “Attractive Employer 2022” by SQC-QualityCert. The basis for the employer seal awards was a survey of employer performance. This involved a new instrument for measuring employer attractiveness called the “EMPLOYER ATTRACTIVENESS INDEX”. This was developed…
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Volksbank Immobilien

Volksbank Immobilien GmbH awarded twice

Volksbank Immobilien GmbH awarded twice Volksbank Immobilien GmbH from Öhringen has a reason to celebrate. The company has received two awards from DIQP Deutsches Institut für Qualitätsstandards und -prüfung e.V. (German Institute for Quality Standards and Testing). In addition to the award as “Top Employer (DIQP)”, this also includes the award of the “Top Service…
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Spende von FFP2 Masken für die Ukraine

SQC-QualityCert donates 10,000 FFP2 masks

SQC-QualityCert donates 10,000 FFP2 masks SQC-QualityCert donated 10,000 FFP2 masks to help the Ukraine. The city of Luckenwalde accepted the company’s donation and is now taking care of the targeted distribution. Since March 3, the city of Luckenwalde has opened an acceptance point in the Gewerbehof Luckenwalde and collects relief supplies for the people in…
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Andreas Schollmeier

Climate-neutral tax consultant from Moers awarded as “Climate-neutral company

Climate-neutral tax consultant from Moers awarded as “Climate-neutral company The tax consultant Andreas Schollmeier from Moers, has received the certification of the DIQP (German Institute for Quality Standards and Testing) as a “Climate Neutral Company (DIQP)” with the rating “very good” for his commitment of environmental protection. The basis for the award as a climate-neutral…
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